First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your wonderful emails! Mom, I love the whole every day kind of thing! If that gets too hard and it's too busy, that's totally fine, I'd love to get long emails too, but it was great to just have emails of whenever you were thinking about me and to have lots to open! And Dad, the advice you shared was beautiful, I loved what you said about the MTC! And thank you for telling me about (my cousin) Taylor! I've been thinking about him and praying for him all week, I'm so excited for him!!!!
So I figured I'd start out by answering Mom's questions! I love it here! England is BEAUTIFUL and the accents are awesome and I LOVE the rain! We don't go outside much, but they're actually a lot more relaxed about that than the Provo MTC is! Oh! Zach/the Brousseau's! I met Sister Bradley on the first day and actually sat next to her on the plane ride to Manchester! She's super nice!
I have mostly everything I need! I forgot socks, so I'll have to buy some of those, but other than that, I'm getting by! I actually got a couple of new name tags already!! They took care of the misspelled ones right away! But I'm keeping one of them because I just think it's funny!
My MTC president is President Preston, which is funny because this is the Preston MTC! He and his wife are very very British and they used to be the mission president for the Manchester mission! Super cool spiritual people, I love them! Oh! And Shaquille Walker, the track star from BYU ( got to come and speak with us with his wife! They served in the Preston's mission, so that was super cool!
I have four people in my room now, we used to have five! The other companionship are the sister training leaders, so that's super fun!
Spiritual experiences! So we got to watch Elder Holland give a devotional and my favorite thing that he said was that if we're teaching by the Spirit, then Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost will testify of YOU as a missionary! I think that's so amazing! Mostly I've learned that I am truly a representative of Jesus Christ and I have a responsibility to teach people in the way that the Savior would teach them. Oh! And we had our first little "baptism!" Our investigator decided to be baptized, so that was really special! It was my MTC teacher, but I can promise that the Spirit in the lessons you teach at the MTC is very real!
We haven't been able to go to the temple because it's closed until next week, but it's beautiful! We've walked around the grounds. And! Elder Chilpagiri in my district from India will be going through for his first time with us, I'm so excited!!
My favorite part about the MTC is the Spirit that's here! I've had some hard days, but the teachers are amazing, they're so in tune! So it's really cool to see how they answer my prayers and how the Spirit can testify to me so much while we're here! I love it here so much!
I love you and miss you all!
-Sister Brousseau
Oh, and this is the address for sending packages while I'm in the field!
51 Spylaw Road
Scotland EH10 5BP
United Kingdom
Scotland EH10 5BP
United Kingdom
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